Alleviating Arm Tendonitis Pain: Exercises to Strengthen and Stretch

A tendonitis in the arms, characterized by inflammation of the tendons, can become a troublesome obstacle for simple day-to-day activities such as lifting objects, typing, or even playing sports. This condition, which causes pain, stiffness, and difficulty in movement, primarily affects the muscles of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists, where tendons connect to bones.

If you’re suffering from symptoms of arm tendonitis, know that you don’t have to resign yourself to pain. With proper treatment and regular practice of specific exercises, you can strengthen the muscles around the inflamed tendon, improve flexibility, and consequently, alleviate pain and regain functionality in your arms.

Before You Start:

  • Consult a doctor or physiotherapist: It’s crucial to seek professional guidance for an accurate diagnosis and to receive a personalized exercise plan suitable for your specific condition and pain level.
  • Start slowly and increase intensity gradually: Do not push your body’s limits. Begin with gentle movements and few repetitions, gradually increasing intensity and range of motion as pain decreases and strength improves.
  • Pay attention to pain: If you feel pain during exercises, stop and consult a professional. Pain is a sign that you’re exceeding your limits and could worsen tendonitis.
  • Maintain good posture: Good posture during exercises is crucial to prevent compromising other joints and muscles.

Exercises to Strengthen:

1. Isometric Bicep Curl:

Watch the video tutorial

  • Sit in a chair, hold a light weight in each hand with palms facing up.
  • Curl the elbows as if lifting the weights, without moving the forearms.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat 10 times, for 3 sets.

2. Tricep Rope Extension:

Watch the video tutorial

  • Stand, hold a rope with both hands at waist height, palms facing the body.
  • Keep elbows close to the body and extend arms upward, lifting the rope without moving forearms.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 12 times, for 3 sets.

3. Lateral Raises with Dumbbells:

Watch the video tutorial

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a light dumbbell in each hand with arms at sides.
  • Raise arms laterally, keeping elbows slightly bent, up to shoulder height.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10 times, for 3 sets.

Stretching Exercises:

1. Bicep Stretch:

Watch the video tutorial

  • With one hand behind your back, hold the elbow with the other hand and gently pull it towards the shoulder, until you feel a stretch in the front part of the forearm.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
  • Repeat twice on each side.

2. Tricep Stretch:

Watch the video tutorial

  • With the elbow bent at a 90-degree angle and the hand on the nape, hold the forearm with the other hand and gently pull it towards the head, until you feel a stretch in the back part of the forearm.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
  • Repeat twice on each side.

3. Wrist Stretch:

Watch the video tutorial

  • With palms facing forward, stretch arms in front of the body.
  • Flex wrists upwards as if trying to touch the ceiling with fingertips.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, then reverse the movement, flexing wrists downwards as if trying to touch the floor with the backs of the hands.
  • Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat twice on each side.


  • Consistency is key: Perform exercises at least 3 times a week for better results.
  • Combine exercises with other measures: In addition to exercises, other measures such as ice packs, rest, and use of anti-inflammatories (under medical guidance) can help alleviate tendonitis pain.
  • Maintain good posture: Good daily posture is also important to prevent tendonitis and other injuries.

With discipline and professional guidance, you can strengthen the muscles around the inflamed tendon, improve flexibility, and consequently alleviate pain and regain functionality in your arms.

Preventing Tendonitis:

To prevent arm tendonitis from becoming a problem in your life, consider these measures:

  • Avoid repetitive movements: If your work or leisure activities involve repetitive arm movements, take frequent breaks to stretch and rest muscles.
  • Maintain good ergonomics: Proper posture during work and other activities is essential to prevent tendon overload.
  • Strengthen muscles: Regular physical exercise focusing on strengthening arm and shoulder muscles can help prevent tendonitis.
  • Avoid excess weight: Excess body weight can overload joints, including arm tendons.
  • Warm up before sports: Before starting any physical activity, warm up properly to prepare muscles and tendons for exertion.
  • Listen to your body: If you feel pain or discomfort in your arms, stop the activity and consult a doctor or physiotherapist.

With these precautions, you can keep your arms healthy and free from the pain of tendonitis.


The information in this article does not replace medical or physiotherapeutic consultation. If you have any doubts or need a personalized exercise plan, seek assistance from a qualified healthcare professional.

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Eu sou Rodolfo, empresário e trabalho com marketing digital. Nascido sob o signo de Libra, sou um entusiasta do esporte e amante das artes marciais. Pratico jiu-jitsu, capoeira e MMA com dedicação, e acredito que a prática regular de esportes é fundamental para manter o corpo e a mente em equilíbrio. Minha paixão pelo esporte e pela vida saudável se reflete nos meus artigos, onde compartilho minhas experiências e conhecimentos para inspirar você.